Before You Submit Your Post Please Read The Guest Posting Policies.
We always welcome entrepreneurs, organizations, developers, hobbyists and anyone to guest post on our website. Unfortunately we are not able to work with everyone. If you would like to be a guest poster make sure you go through our guest posting guidelines. If you think you are knowledgeable and your post fits the posting guidelines our editorial team will be excited to receive your post.
General Editorial Guidelines
- We only accept posts related to internet of things.
- A guest post can be in any form-blog post, news, press release, project idea, DIY guide or opinion as long as it is informative.
- Guest posts promoting a product, service or business are not accepted.
- We will not publish post from someone who pretends to be someone else or misrepresents any affiliation with a person or entity.
- We don’t accept post that violates or infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights; or
- Is inconsistent with any of the other terms and conditions of
Post Content Guidelines:
- Content of the post should be unique. It should not be published elsewhere over the internet.
- Take care of the content quality and relevance.
- Post must be at least of 600 words.
- Post content should not have more than 2 outside links
- Attach a related image with your post.
- Provide proper author bio at the end of the post along with link to your personal blog or website.
- Please provide a photo along with your author bio if you wish it to be included.
Submit your press release to below email:
*include author bio in the PR.